Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Power Of Kepepet

Waktu adalah uang.
Kata siapa? Mungkin ini hanya ada dalam kamus orang - orang yang konsiten menghargai waktu, sebagai sebuah kesempatan dan peluang besar. Tapi tentunya tidak dong bagi penggemar 'jam karet'. Di negeri ini rasanya penggemar jam karet sudah jamak. Satu contoh saja, Kalau laporan bisa dikerjakan dalam satu minggu, kenapa harus dibikin satu jam. Nanti kalau sudah selesai terus mau ngapain?. Kalo bisa dibikin repot kenapa harus dibikin gampang. Kan biar kesannya ngga nganggur. Begitukah? Mungkin iyah.
Tapi akan lain ceritanya kalo 'kepepet'. Saya yakin, semua juga sudah tahu betapa dahsyatnya the "Power Of Kepepet". Ini sudah terbukti. Sekarang lihat saja, seorang karyawan akan sangat produktif ketika dia tahu, minggu depan dapet cuti. Waktu akan sangat berharga sekali. Mungkin laporan yang tadinya selesai seminggu, bisa selesai dalam satu jam. Lalu, kenapa sich seseorang itu menunda - nunda pekerjaannya, membuang - buang waktu. Ada beberapa alasan, yang diungkapkan salah seorang teman saya melalui emailnya :

1. Salah persepsi.

Kebanyakan "bekerja" dianggap sebagai sebuah "beban". Sehingga semua terasa berat adanya, tidak nyaman dan hanya membuat malas saja. Coba kalau persepsi ini diubah, "bekerja adalah berkarya". Bekerja dengan hati nurasi, semuanya akan terasa ringan dan menyenangkan. Untuk itu cintailah pekerjaan kita.

2. Merasa kewalahan

Seringkali dalam bekerja, kita merasa kewalahan, karena banyaknya pekerjaan ataupun tugas yang harus dihandle. Padahal, untuk mencapai sukses, ada tahapan - tahapan yang harus di lalui. Ibarat melakukan perjalanan 1000 km, kita harus melalui kilometer demi kilometer, jika kita sabar dan tekun, tentunya kita bisa sampai di tujuan, di titik 1000 km tersebut.

3. Takut gagal

David J. Schwartz mengatakan, "Untuk menghadapi ketakutan, bertindaklah. Untuk semakin takut - tunggulah, berhentilah, tundalah" Takut akan kegagalan ini, bisa membuat kita menunda - nunda pekerjaan, keinginan ataupun cita - cita. Misalkan saja, seorang karyawan bercita - cita menjadi pengusaha sukses. Bisa jadi dia tidak memulai apapun, karena ada bayang - bayang kegagalan di masa depan. Padahal kalo mencoba menjadi pengusaha sekarang, kemudian gagal, kemudian belajar dari kegagalan tersebut, memulai usaha lagi dan seterusnya, sampai benar - benar bisa mencapai sukses. So jangan sampai ketakutan akan kegagalan menghentikan anda.

4. Sifat alamiah.

Kalau disuruh milih antara nonton TV atau bekerja, tentu orang akan lebih memilih nonton TV. Sudah menjadi sifat alamiah manusia memilih yang enak - enak ketimbang yang menyakitkan. Jika anda termasuk orang seperti ini, maka anda akan termasuk dalam "kaum sufi" [kaum yang suka tifi]. Begitulah teman saya menyebutnya.

It's Now

Pakar manajemen waktu Alan Lakein mengatakan, "Waktu = Hidup. Sia-siakanlah waktu anda, maka anda menyia-nyiakan hidup anda. Kuasai waktu anda, maka anda menguasai hidup anda." Dan pedoman hidup anda mengatakan, "Sesungguhnya manusia beradadalam kerugian. Kecuali mereka yang beriman dan beramal shaleh."
So tunggu apalagi. Jangan buang - buang waktu lagi. Mumpung masih hidup, lakukan berbagai hal secara berbeda, saatnya menentukan prioritas, dan terus maju menuju kesuksesan. Kapan waktu yang tepat? SEKARANG. Kita tidak bisa lagi menunggu lebih lama. Tidak perlu lagi kita memperlakukan hidup seperti hujan. Ditunggu sampai reda, baru kemudian baru melanjutkan perjalanan.

1. Tidak ada waktu menunda

Yang Chu (440 ~ 360 SM) mengingatkan kita, "Seratus tahun adalah hidup yang panjang. Belum tentu satu orang dari seribu yang akan mencapainya. Dan jika seseorang bisa setua itu, waktunya masih didiskon dengan kehidupan bayi dan masa kepikunan. Kemudian dikurangi lagi dengan saat tidurnya. Dikurangi lagi dengan masa sakitnya. Dikurangi lagi dengan masa sedihnya. Dikurangi lagi dengan masa takutnya. Maka jumlah waktu senangnya, hanya akan sepuluh tahun saja.

Dengan begitupun, tidak ada satu jam pun yang tidak terbebas dari kekhawatiran. " Austin Dobs: "Time goes by, katamu? Ah tidak. Waktu tetap di tempatnya. Kitalah yang pergi."

2. Cepat bertindak, cepat belajar

Dari berbagai pengalaman, kita melakukan perbaikan dan akhirnya mendapatkan hasilnya. Ingatlah bahwa berbagai hal, akan kita lakukan lebih lama daripada yang kita bayangkan. Dan lagi, kita mungkin belum akan benar di saat pertama.
Kita tidak bisa memilih hari dan waktu di mana kita akan sukses. Tapi kita bisa memilih untuk melakukannya SEKARANG. Sekaranglah saatnya untuk merealisasikan bagian awal dari sukses kita.

3. Lakukan, jangan dibayangkan.

Sekalipun segala sesuatu menuntut waktu lebih lama dari yang kita bayangkan, semua itu juga lebih mudah DILAKUKAN daripada dibayangkan. Keuntungan manusiawi ini akan hilang menguap jika kita terus menunda. Saat kita menunda, jumlah tugas akan bertambah, waktu yang tersisa akan menyusut.

Saat kita ingin mewadahi segala tugas di gayung kecil waktu kita, kualitas upaya kita akan menurun drastis, dan risiko melakukan kesalahan akan menjadi lebih besar. Ikhwan Sopa mengatakan, "Segala hal lebih berat di kepala daripada dipundak."

Aidh Al-Qarni (pengarang 'Don't Be Sad' - 'La Tahzan') mengatakan, "Usahlah engkau tanggung beban dunia. Biarlah bumi saja yang menanggungnya. " Delegasikan tugas anda ke bumi, lewat jiwa dan raga anda.

4. Bertindak SEKARANG adalah kesimpulannya.

Kekuatan anda bertindak hanya ada pada SEKARANG. Anda tidak bisa bertindak BESOK, sebab besok belum tentu ada. Anda tidak bisa bertindak KEMARIN, sebab kemarin sudah tiada. KEMARIN dan BESOK tidak bisa membantu anda. SEKARANG-lah yang bisa.

5. Sekaranglah yang memberi nilai positif.

Konsekuensi dari tindakan positif akan mendongkrak nilai, rasa PD, pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan KEKUATAN anda. Adakah waktu yang lebih tepat untuk menikmati semua keuntungan itu selain SEKARANG?

6. Jadikan pemain jangan penonton.

Nikmati hidup anda SEKARANG, daripada melihat orang lain menikmati hidupnya. Jadilah pemain dan bukan penonton. Daripada menonton apa yang terjadi pada diri anda, ciptakanlah apa yang anda inginkan terjadi pada diri anda.

7. Temukanlah diri anda.

Kejutkanlah diri anda, buatlah diri anda terperangah dengan menjadi seseorang yang anda sendiri tidak pernah membayangkannya.

8. Anda pernah menyesali waktu yang telah anda sia-siakan?

Jika ya, gunakan penyesalan itu untuk memacu anda. Dengan bertahan pada prioritas, anda akan melindungi diri sendiri dari penyesalan di kemudian hari.

9. Songsonglah kesempatan.

Kesempatan memang disediakan untuk mereka yang mengambil tindakan. Sekali ia menampakkan diri, anda harus segera bertindak karena ia tak akan muncul dua kali. Jadi songsonglah kesempatan anda.

10. Jika anda menyibukkan diri, anda tak akan punya waktu untuk mengeluh atau jatuh di bawah pengaruh negatif orang lain.

11. Ciptakan lebih banyak waktu!

Jika anda selalu mengerjakan sesuatu segera setelah ia muncul, maka anda telah efisien dalam bertindak. Dan dengan begitu, anda akan punya lebih banyak waktu.

11. Alamilah kedamaian pikiran.

Anda tidak akan bisa mengerjakan semua hal yang anda inginkan. Akan tetapi, jika anda bisa mengerjakan hal terpenting yang harus dikerjakan, maka anda akan tidur dengan nyenyak. Jadi kapan? Bagaimana dengan pertengahan antara kemarin dan besok!?

Mengubah Sikap Menunda

Penundaan adalah kuburan di mana kesempatan dimakamkan. Jika waktu adalah kehidupan, maka penyia-nyian waktu adalah pembunuhan. Artinya, penundaan itu MEMATIKAN. Abraham Lincoln
mengatakan, "Berbagai hal akan datang kepada mereka yang menunggu. Akan tetapi, itu semua hanya sisa dari mereka yang bergerak."

1. Klarifikasi sasaran pribadi.

Klarifikasilah sasaran pribadi anda dengan tegas dan jelas. Pastikan anda bisa melihat atau mengingatnya di mana saja. Apa yang 'harus' adalah apa yang paling penting bagi anda. Jika keadaan memang memaksa anda untuk menunda, pertegas alternatifnya. "Saya mestinya belajar malam ini. Tapi saya terlalu lelah hari ini. Saya harus tidur. Saya AKAN belajar setelah solat Subuh."

2. Ganti 'harus' dengan 'ingin'.

Saat anda mengatakan 'harus' melakukan sesuatu, secara tidak langsung anda mengatakan 'dipaksa' melakukannya. Anda jelas akan berontak. Penundaan adalah mekanisme pertahanan anda untuk menghindari sakitnya sebuah pemaksaan.

Solusi bagi anda, adalah memahami bahwa anda memang tidak perlu mengerjakan apa yang tidak ingin anda kerjakan. Mungkin akan ada konsekuensi serius dari sikap seperti ini. Namun anda harus memahami bahwa anda memang selalu bebas dalam memilih. Tak ada seorang pun, yang memaksa anda bekerja atau berbisnis sebagaimana yang anda lakukan saat ini. Anda telah menjadi seperti sekarang ini, adalah akibat dari segala keputusan yang telah anda ambil dengan bebas selama ini.
Jika anda tidak ingin menjadi dokter, padahal anda sekarang adalah dokter, maka anda menjadi dokter adalah karena anda memutuskan untuk menjadi dokter. Jika anda memang tidak ingin dipaksa menjadi dokter, katakanlah 'tidak' pada orang tua anda misalnya. Jika anda memilih untuk tidak pernah mengatakannya, maka profesi dokter adalah pilihan anda sendiri. Dan jika sekarang anda ingin beralih profesi, itupun adalah pilihan anda sendiri. Ingatlah bahwa kebiasaan menunda tidak terjadi pada seluruh area kehidupan seseorang. Seseorang yang jagoan menunda sekalipun, selalu punya satu atau beberapa hal yang tidak pernah ditundanya.
Orang itu selalu punya pilihan untuk INGIN mengerjakannya. Artinya, kebiasaan menunda-nunda bisa dikurangi dengan memahami keberadaan pilihan. Anda bisa memilih untuk INGIN atau HARUS mengerjakan sesuatu. Ubahlah keharusan mengerjakan sesuatu, menjadi keinginan untuk mengerjakannya.

3. Ganti 'selesaikan' dengan 'mulailah'.

Saat anda merasakan bahwa pekerjaan anda tidak pernah selesai, anda akan merasa kewalahan. Berikutnya, godaan tentang waktu luang atau selesainya perkerjaan akan mulai mempengaruhi anda. Anda mulai malas dan akhirnya menunda atau membiarkan pekerjaan anda terbengkalai. Anda telah menggeser prioritas anda, hanya karena ingin menunda suatu pekerjaan.
Ubahlah cara berpikir anda. Pecahlah tugas anda ke dalam paket- paket kecil. Apalagi yang harus saya kerjakan? Mana lagi yang harus saya mulai?
"Bagaimana saya harus menyelesaikan semua ini?"
"Langkah kecil apa yang bisa saya mulai sekarang uga?'

4. Ganti 'All or nothing' dengan 'Better small than nothing at all'.

Berpikir bahwa pekerjaan anda harus sempurna, akan mencegah anda untuk memulainya. Percaya bahwa mengerjakan segala sesuatu yang duniawi haruslah sempurna, adalah resep untuk stress. Jebakan sempurna, akan membuat anda terlalu banyak berpikir dan akhirnya menggeser tindakan ke menit-menit terakhir. Dengan itu anda telah merasa menemukan jalan keluar. Kemudian, anda mulai bekerja. Tapi tiba-tiba, anda menyadari bahwa waktunya tidak cukup lagi. Kemudian anda meminta penambahan waktu. Dan jika anda mendapatkan waktu tambahan, anda memulainya lagi dari awal. Kemudian anda menundanya lagi. Kurang waktu - tambah waktu - kurang waktu - tambah waktu...sampai kapan? Anda tidak akan pernah sempurna!
Kesempurnaan manusia terletak pada keterbatasan dan kekurangannya. Jika manusia tidak lagi memiliki kekurangan dan keterbatasan, maka ia tidak sempurna lagi sebagai manusia. Beri izin pada diri anda untuk menjadi manusia seutuhnya. Menjadi manusia yang sempurna, lengkap dengan batasan dan kekurangannya.
Pernahkah anda temui software komputer yang sempurna? Alat yang sempurna? Benda yang sempurna? Ketidaksempurnaan dari apa yang anda kerjakan hari ini, adalah lebih baik daripada sesuatu yang sempurna tapi tak pernah terjadi.

5. Ganti '' dengan 'ha...ha...ha' .

Ubahlah suasana kerja yang tidak nyaman dengan kegembiraan. Ciptakan jaminan bahwa anda akan bekerja dalam kegembiraan. Untuk bergembira, anda harus menciptakannya. Kegembiraan tidak tergantung pada suasana, tapi tergantung pada kemauan anda. Pernahkan anda merasakan betapa beratnya beban kerja anda? Panjangnya jam kerja anda? Tanpa bergembira? Lembur melulu? Yang itu-itu juga? Pastikanlah bagian yang bisa 'bergembira' dari diri anda. Kemudian, susunlah berbagai pekerjaan anda di sekitar dan sekelilingnya. Maka, kegembiraan anda akan terjamin.
Anda bisa senang dengan utak-atik mobil? Lakukan itu dan tunjukkan kepada teman sekantor. Anda senang ikan hias? Taruhlah akuarium di meja kerja anda. Anda senang musik? Belilah earphone agar tak mengganggu 'kesenangan' orang lain.
Sekilas, anjuran di atas seperi kontraproduktif. Sebaliknya, secara ekstrem justru membuat anda lebih produktif. Inilah yang disebut dengan 'reverse psychology'. Dengan 'settingan' seperti di atas, jika anda mulai merasa berlebihan dalam bergembira, maka anda akan mulai 'ingin' bekerja.
Anda tidak lagi merasa 'harus' bekerja, tapi anda memang menginginkannya. Motivasi anda akan melejit. Itu terjadi karena anda merasa sudah cukup bergembira. Libur yang terlalu lama, akan membuat anda rindu pada kerja. Persis seperti pengangguran yang merindukan pekerjaan.

6. Gunakan 'kotak waktu'.

Pecah tugas anda ke dalam paket-paket kecil. Kumpulkan berbagai tugas kecil anda itu dan masukkan semuanya ke dalam kotak waktu anda. Aturlah kotak waktu anda untuk 30 menit. Kelompokkan tugas- tugas kecil anda menjadi satu gugus tugas, yang seluruhnya dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu 30 menit atau kurang.
Setelah 30 menit, hadiahi diri anda sendiri dengan bonus yang sepadan, misalnya menonton TV, makan camilan atau hadiah lain yang cukup merangsang. Setelah itu, kerjakan lagi 'paket 30 menit' berikutnya, dan kejar hadiah yang lain. Secara umum, anda pasti punya daya tahan jika bekerja hanya 30 menit. Apalagi, jika hadiahnya cukup menggiurkan.

7. Terima diri apa adanya.

Terimalah diri anda 'apa adanya'. Berhentilah memikirkan 'ada apanya' dengan diri anda. Kebiasaan anda menunda-nunda, mungkin membebani anda. Untuk tidak menjadikannya penyebab stress lanjutan, terimalah diri anda sebagai pembelajar:
· Beri waktu bagi diri anda untuk berubah,
· Beri kesempatan bagi diri anda untuk 'naik' &'turun'
· Hargai diri anda untuk apapun yang anda kerjakan,
· Sering-seringlah memaafkan diri anda sendiri.
Setelah tanda seru berikut ini, segeralah kerjakan apapun yang anda INGINKAN!
Materi dari University of Texas at Austin Learning Center dan Chuck Gallozzi.
Courtesy from M. Yusuf [Sam design Sby]

Positive Thinking, Positive Feeling

Seorang teman pernah datang pada saya, dan mengeluhkan suasana kantor yang semakin hari semakin ngga nyaman. Dia merasa semua orang dikantor itu memusuhinya. Begitu datang ke kantor, jangankan menyapa “selamat pagi”, “halo apa kabar”dsb, untuk melihat saja males. Kalo perlu, begitu ketemu, langsung buang muka dan pergi begitu saja. Anda bisa bayangkan, bagaimana rasanya bekerja dengan rekan - rekan dalam satu departemen, tanpa ada komunikasi kecuali untuk urusan - urusan pekerjaan, itupun hanya bicara secukupnya saja. Bisa dipastikan, dalam kondisi seperti ini sedikit masalah saja dengan rekan kerja, langsung menyulut konflik frontal. Intinya dia merasa, semua orang di kantor tidak suka padanya. Sayapun coba tanya ke rekan lain. Apa jawabnya? Tak ada yang membencinya, hanya dia yang berpikiran negatif saja, dan menjauhkan diri dari rekan - rekan lain.

Saya juga pernah dengar tentang cerita dua orang anak kecil yang bertemu dengan seekor anjing galak. Salah satu anak berpikiran biasa saja tanpa rasa takut, sementara anak yang satunya lagi, berpikiran buruk terhadap anjing itu, jangan - jangan anjing itu lari mengejarnya, menggigitnya dan sebagainya. Apa jadinya? Anjing itu benar - benar mengejar sang anak yang ketakutan.

Betapa hebatnya kekuatan pikiran kita. Dalam bukunya Quantum Ikhlas, Erbe Sentanu menyebutkan, bahwa di dunia ini berlaku hukum tarik - menarik atau yang biasa disebut “The Law Of Attraction”. Pikiran manusia bisa begitu powerful. Ketika teman saya berpikiran negatif terhadap rekan lain, maka kenyataannya mengikuti apa yang dipikirkannya. Semua terasa jahat kepadanya. Demikian halnya, dalam pikiran anak kecil yang takut anjing tadi, kenyataannya, sang anjing justru mengejarnya. Untuk itu, berhati - hatilah dengan pikiran anda. Ketika kita berpikiran positive, InsyaAlloh, hal - hal positif lah yang akan datang pada. Sebaliknya, ketika kita berpikiran negatif, maka secara otomatis, kita menarik hal - hal negatif dari luar. Ini sangat selaras dengan Ayatulloh. “Tuhan itu seperti apa yang kau sangka” Maka berbaik sangkalah kepada-Nya, niscaya hal - hal baik akan terjadi dalam kehidupan anda.

Tidak hanya positive thinking yang penting, tapi juga positive feeling. Karena pikiran itu datangnya dari hati. Hatilah yang akan men-drive pikiran kita.

Tentunya teori ini tidak hanya menekankan pada positive thinking dan positive feeling saja, karena pada dasarnya, teori ini tidak berarti apa - apa tanpa disertai ikhtiyar ataupun usaha keras. Apa yang kita harapkan terjadi dalam hidup kita bukanlah mukjizat yang kebetulan, tapi semuanya melalu proses panjang.

From now on, start your day with positive feeling, positive thinking and work smart.

Great Thing Comes From A Small Things

Sewaktu SMA, saya sering baca majalah remaja, sebut saja namanya Anita. Mungkin sebagian dari dear reader, banyak yang tahu, kalau Anita itu ya majalah remaja yang isinya 80% cerpen - cerpen remaja, namanya juga majalah remaja. Kebetulan, saat itu teman saya jago bikin cerpen, namun sayang ngga pernah dikirim ke redaksi majalah - majalah remaja. Setiap kali selesai membaca cerpen - cerpen itu, saya seolah memiliki semangat baru untuk menulis cerpen, dan tentunya cita - cita baru menjadi novelist ataupun pengarang cerita.

Tanpa banyak ba bi bu, diam - diam saya susun kalimat - kalimat cerita berdasarkan ‘imajinasi sesaat’. Apa hasilnya? Cerpen itu tak pernah selesai. Begitu sampai ditengah, imajinasi sesaat saya selalu berubah - ubah. Apa yang saya lakukan kemudian. Yach menulis cerpen dengan imajinasi baru, yang tentunya jauh berbeda dengan imajinasi sebelumnya. Ceritanya saya rubah, dan begitu seterusnya. Sampai saat saya lulus, dan menggeluti pekerjaan dibidang media, tak satu cerpenpun saya selesaikan. Semuanya berhenti di tengah. Terakhir, saya berusaha menulis novel, yang ceritanya saya angkat dari pengalaman pribadi saya, hasilnya baru 13 halaman. Dan, mulai tak tersentuh dengan imajinasi segar untuk menyelesaikannya. Akhirnya, saya memutuskan untuk tidak membuat novel lagi, karena saya paham betul, saya belum sampai pada tahap itu. Saya melompat terlalu jauh.

Padahal untuk meraih kesuksesan, seseorang harus melewati tahapan - tahapan kecil. Kalau pengen jadi penulis, ya harus rajin - rajin menulis, rajin - rajin baca untuk memperkaya imajinasi. Karena didunia ini tidak ada sesuatu yang tiba - tiba [kecuali mukjizat Tuhan]. Semua harus melewati proses. Nah untuk sampai pada cita - cita menjadi penulis ataupun novelist tadi, saya berupaya untuk membuat tulisan - tulisan kecil di blog, membuat lompatan - lompatan kecil dalam proses menulis, yang lebih tertata, lebih terarah, dengan sebuah tujuan besar ‘menjadi penulis besar’.

Great thing comes from small things


Inem Sukoco

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Never Ending Scandal

Still fresh in our mind, on December 2006, when The Golkar Party lawmaker - Yahya Zaini, resigned, after being caught in a steamy sex video with dangdut singer “Maria Eva”. The same scandal also happen to House Of Representatives Member from The Indonesian Democratic Party Of Struggle, Max Moein, who’s charged in Sexual Harrasment against his private secretary, Desy Firdiyanti”. Is there any other love affair? Could be, since nowadays, member of house representative morally doubted.

The latest news was about The confession of Lawmaker Agus Condro Prayitno [from The Indonesian Democratic Party Of Struggle] that he and fellow party lawmakers received Rp 500 million [US$53,676] each, two weeks after Miranda Swaray Goeltom won election from the House of Representatives' Commission IX for financial affairs on June 2004. This confession added the list of scandals in house of representative. Whereas, BI graft Scandal involved House Of Representative Member on 2003 [about Rp 31,5 millions] is still investigated by The Commission Corruption Eradication [KPK]. It’s not finish yet. At the same time, KPK has to investigate another scandal involved another member, Al Amin Nasution, Bulyan Royan and Yusuf Emir Faizal. The worse one was the House's Commission IV, Al Amin Nasution. He faced multicharges from blackmail to bribery. Bribes for the conversion of conservation forests on Bintan Island in Riau [Rp 250 million and USD 300.000], and at Tanjung Pantai Air Telang in the South Sumatra regency of Banyuasin [Rp 2,5 billion]. In addition to demanding money from companies that joined tenders for the Forestry Ministry's procurement of the Global Positioning System (GPS) Geodetic, GPS handhelds and Total Statio [Rp 1,2 Billion and Rp 286 Million], included love affair too.

Morally, What’s wrong with House of Representative members? Probably they were absent on Pancasila Moral Subject at school :D

One scandal to another, has put the image of Citizen Representative much worse. Can we imagine, Who’s going to choose that kind of politician on the next Election? No wonder, in every election, abstain dominates.

However, There’s always an optimism over a worse condition. So many scandal occurs, it’s time to look ahead which one of the legislative institutions is better.

Teten Masduki dari Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said, The Election on 2009, could be the perfect time to fix House Of Represntative. How? Don’t choose Stink Politician, corrupt, greedy, wasteful, doer of human right infraction, involved in drug abuse, never protect the right of people live in poverty. However, if most of The House Of Representative member are great mentally, morally as well as physically, it’s believed that the institution revision is going much easier.

To support this invocation, many people action unite in the movement of anti – stink politician or Gerakan Nasional Tidak Pilih Politisi Busuk (Ganti Polbus) compose some criterias of improper politician.

The critic mostly done by looking at the track records of each legislative candidate who join the Election on 2009. It’s not only the behaviour, but also attitude. For example, the corruption eradication. It’s clear which one of them who support legislation draf of Corruption Act. If one one them don’t support it, then the name will be recorded and announced to public, especially in each election area. Hope, this way could push the Party to carefully select they legislative candidate.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

From black magic to politic

Ever heard the name of Ki Gendeng Pamungkas? A well-known paranormal from Bogor Indonesia, well a sootsayer in fact. The last spectacular news about him, was his plan to soothsay former USA President George Bush, when he visited Indonesia on November 2006. What a soothsayer hehehe. However, I'm not going to talk about that silly act again. It's about his courage to register himself as Independent candidate for Regent Election of Bogor periode 2008 - 2013. He makes use of this chance as Indonesian goverment emerge open - politic policy, which gives the chance for anybody as an independent candidate in election. No wonder he has this courage, guess why. He's rich enough, his wealthy is about 16,8 billions rupiah. This is more than enough to reach his goal. He already reported his weathy to the Corruption Eradication Commission [KPK]. When he was asked about the reason, he simply anwered that he wants to bring a progress for Rain City - Bogor. Then when he was asked about where 16,8 billions come from, he kept it as a secret. He just said that he's anticorruption as well as anti new-order. Ki Gendeng couples with Chusaeri, as a Vice Regent. They are succeed in physical as well as pshychological test, held on Tuesday til Thursday [August 12nd - 15th]. They will compete with four couples, Diani Budiarto - Ahmad Ru'yat, Ahani - Iis Supriatini, Dody Rosadi - Erick Irawan Suganda, and also Syafei Brtasenjaya - Akik Darul Tahkik. At first, Actually Ki Gendeng was about to back off, since he was lack of support. These recent days, he withdraw the statement and than go on, as he got divine inspiration from a ritual at Bogor Botanical Garden. The divine inspiration asked him to free citizen of Bogor, from poverty [60% of Bogor Citizen live under poverty line] and to create pro - citizen birocration. Hmmm, isnt that interesting. I cant imagine, how a soothsayer handle a region with anything close to magic. For example, if there's a oposition, could be easily soothsayed. Who dare to fight against? I guess nobody wont. Though, magic's illogic, in fact it could kill somebody in strange way. Even doesnt make any sense. Well, just wondering, after trend of artist - turn to - politician, then paranomal, what's next? A whore? Hehhehehe...could be a brilliant idea, since whore has a lot of fans too. :P

Monday, August 11, 2008

Uniform and handcuff for 'Rat' Criminal

Corruption Eradication Commission [KPK] plan to dress corruption suspects with uniform that read "corrupt" on it, and also discuss the possibility of having the suspects handcuffed. KPK's deputy chairman for prevention M Jasin said until now, corruption suspects, who are supposed to be ashamed, are happy and even proud of appearing on television. The public had seen corruption suspects come to KPK with confidence, waving their hands, dressed stylishly and even smiling, as if they had no problem at all. So that KPK wants to create a deterrent effect. Many politicians agree with this plan. They respon it positively, though they are potential to be corruption suspects, who next will wear that uniform. President of Prosperous Justice Party [PKS], Tifatul Sembiring and also the chief Hidayat Nurwahid also agree. Corruptors, corruptor suspects as well as corruptor family have to be ashamed. If possible, the corruptor family has to wear that uniform. This plan also agreed by The member of house representatives from ndonesian Democratic Party-Struggle [PDIP], Gayus Lumbuun. Beside deterrent effect, this uniform doesn't break the Human right law.
Let's see who didnt agree with KPK's plan to dress the corruptor with uniform. According to advisor of East Java Golkar Fation, Sabron Jamil Pasaribu, as well as, Chief of Law Commission from East Java Provincial Legislatif Council, this plan is too far. "Do they need this uniform, KPK need to retrospect, the urgensity of this plan. whoever the suspect is, everybody will know about it, from any kind of media. That's already embarasshing, even as a witness of corruption in a court, they already ashamed. Sabron said, KPK supposed to find the formula in finding the real and rigid action, to eradicate any kind of corruption in Indonesia. Otherwise KPK have to find a solution to end the corruption, by keeping an eye on any potentially corrupted institution, for example judicial instituion, which closely related to bribery. However, no corruptor is treated especially, all is just the same as other prisoners. In this case, there's no clear intention of KPK, in eradicating the corruption. Dressing uniform and handcuffing a corruptor everywhere are just simply finding sensation. By dressing new uniform, it tends to give a respect for a corruptor.

Agree or disagree due to KPK's plan, no problem. As long as, it caused deterrend effect to the corruptor, who dare to rob the Nation. Wish, this KPK's efforts could successfully in eradicating the corruption. Viva KPK...Keep on moving!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Powerhouse Indonesia [Who are they?]

Let me describe what a powerhouse is, based on Rhenald Kasali Business Seminar on August 08th 2008 [08 - 08 -08], at Caesar Palace of Garden Palace Surabaya. Powerhouse is a power to push something so that it can move faster, just like a locomotif pulling the wagon. It's supposed to be exist in every institution, a company, a country, a relationship, to bring to brigther future. He push every element in certain intitution to work effectively as well as maximally, in order to put into real vision as well as mission.
Let's say Powerhouse Indonesia, it's very urgent cos :
  1. Its urgancy in creating working field. For example Exxon owns 979.000 employees, Astra International ; 120.000 employees.
  2. Important contribution to GDP. For Example : Saudi Aramco to Saudi Arabian GDP from 1976 - 1990 reached USD 700 billions. Pertamina for about 45 years, it contibuted GDP more or less USD 400 billions.
  3. Powerhouse improving technology, to improve, powerhouse has to be included to research and invention so that it produces patent rights. For example : Nokia conducting research on digital technology, selluler handset.
  4. Icon of Nation. A Healthy Powerhouse identic with increasing of NAtion's wealthy and pride. For example : Petronas identic with Malaysia, Microsoft [America], Toyota [Japan], and so on
What about Indonesia, do we already have a Powerhouse? The answer could be Pertamina. Since, in the end of 2007, It contributed about 11 trillion rupiah to GDP. Though there a huge problem inside. It's supposed to be more than that. What else?
Yes, It could be very difficult for Indonesia to create a Powerhouse, since there are two important elements of Powerhouse in this country. Economy and Politic. In fact, Economic as Locomotive doesn't pull the Politic as a wagon, instead, Politic is a head, so that sometimes economic have a crash with politic matter. Unfortunately, This country learns nothing, but a democrazy. Politic is not more than just a huge play, with silly actors. Corruption, Collution, Nepotism are simply tradition.
However, It needs time to change everything, well a revolution exactly, step by step to go a head.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sexy Dancer On Blowfish Summer Fling [Legal?]

It was Saturday August 2nd 2008, started at 19.00 til 07.00 next Sunday Morning. For the first time, outdoor 'rave' party held in Surabaya, exactly at Juanda Airport, entitled Outdoor Dancing Music Festival, created by 'Blowfish Summer Fling 2008', and LA Light Mentol. The Official presented five beautiful hot sexy dancer Performance from Japan, wearing only bikini, dancing eroticly as Trance Progressive and techno music beating. Somehow, this performance could hypnotize the audience, who came from Malang, Bandung, Jakarta event Abroad. However, this event protested by woman activist, Jatim Lawyer Club, NU as well as Asociation Of Entertainment Business called HIPERHu and many more, since based on section 282 KUHP, it's considered as a crime. They urge the official should be punished. Since it's a crime of showing immoral performance on public area. Doesnt matter Whatever the reason of the official is, the police should investigate this case. This Performance could break the image Indonesia National Armed Force [TNI], who permitted the performance on Juanda Airport, as well as the morality of young generation. How come? Take a look back over the same performance on closed area such as Meteor Club. It has already hugely protested everywhere. Meanwhile this one, performed on Public area, everybody's watching including under age. Oh my God. I wonder what's on the mind of Blowfish Summer Fling Official . Is there no other promotion? In some case, this could be the 'best' way to promote Blowfish Cafe. Pretty effective dont ya? At least, now, everybody heard about Blowfish Cafe. What a worse promotion strategy.
The official admitted that the have permission for this event from Lanudal Juanda ass well as Polres of Sidoarjo. And I guess only local newspaper - Surabaya Pagi - which covered the news of this immoral performance, continuously.
However, there should be a punishment for the official who held the performance. Or the same performance will easily found in this honour country, moreover it's left few weeks to Ramadhan. Hope every official could learn from this mistake, and supposed to be carefull in performing something for public consumption.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Indonesian Political Opera

What’s wrong with this country? Hehe what a silly question, don’t ya? It’s supposed to be like this “There’s always something wrong with this country” Don’t call it as Indonesia if there’s nothing wrong. Is that worse? Oh Lord. Las recent days many media covered story about political opera, where some actors turn their ‘way of life’ as a politician. I’d rather call it as “political opera”. Since political opera and play opera are almost the same, it’s only about playing the carracter. Play it as great as possible, so that the audience will give a big applause. What a big success. Let's say The 48-year-actor, who has starred in dozens of films, including the popular teen flick Gita Cinta dari SMA (Love Song from High School) of 1979 - Rano Karno, who already become the Deputy Regent of Tangerang. Then, Dede Yusuf [as a deputy governor od West Java]. They ‘re so lucky, since people in Tangerang as well as in West Java assumed that they have a ‘capability’, not only as an actor, but also as a politician. Let’s move to another actor-turned-politician on house of representative, such as Adjie Massaid, Angelina Sondakh, Haji Komar, and also the pass – Sophan Sofyan. They are already success to have a career in politic. OK, they do 'capable'.

What if their success followed by another selebrities, such as Saipul Jamil who runs for Deputy Regent of Serang, and also Primus Yustisio who runs for Deputy Regent of Subang - West Java. And many more. Even ex-wife of Saipul Jamil, The Freaky Demi Persik, admitted that she was offered by one of party to be a member of House Representative. How come? Even she never know how to dress in right way. Then hot mom Wulan guritno, Maia or Ulfa Dwiyanti, admitted the same. Are they capable - enough? Then what Political Party look for by nominated 'uncapable' figure like them? The answer? Of course, Voters oriented. They have their huge fans. Is there any other reasonable reasons. Not at all. They even have no political knowledge. All they know is just 'how to entertain, not how to lead'. You can see it everytime they were interviewed. They acted like a fool. Can you imagine? What we can expect from incapable leader. Nothing but popularity.
Though in fact, there's no much differences between play and politic. As seen on TV, or other media, how many politician act in huge political opera, misuse of power, make a fool of people, cheating, corrupting here, there and everywhere. Playing the people's emotion. What about acting on play. Almost the same. They only need to act in nice way, so that they can play the audience's emotion. We can see, so many cases of corruption handled by KPK. Oh Lord, Antasari Azar and crew must be so busy these recent days...

Well, Wish artist - turned - politician is not just a trend. Hope they aware whether they capable to lead or to act...A real politician, not just a voter-gainer

Friday, August 1, 2008

Who's left to blame?

When I was young somebody asked me like this, "What you gonna do after graduate?" Then I would answer "Working on a great company, with great salary and full facilities". Was that simple? Not at all. In fact, it took such a long, long and long way to go. Unfortunately, I wasnt the only one. My friends answered the same. Hell yeah, what a wrong paradigm [as well as the curriculum]. They [me too] studied hard to reach the dream, working for somebody else, or [in rude words] we're educated to be an employee. What happened next? Most students graduated, hunted for the job, and on and on, so that the job seeker's grew faster than the job itself. In the end, the unemployment raised from year to year. In 2008 unemployment still 9,7 % of two hundred millions more Indonesian citizen.
There's something wrong with the paradigm, as well as the curriculum. They supposed to be educated as an enterprenur who creating a job, not seeking a job. Well, now on, the curriculum is much better, though it can't effectively reduce the number of unemployment in this country. However, to start being an enterpreneur is not as simple as saying a word. It needs a strong will, wide knowledge, and great network. If everybody in this country has this kind of paradigm, then the employee would not seek the job, but the job seek the employee. It can simply help the goverment to finish tiringsome homeworks, vanish poverty and unemployment. Isnt that interesting? Yes, it is. However, if someone has nothing to start a business, at least he / she has the strong to start it oneday. Learn it from anyone, anything and anywhere. I have a recomendation for those who has that strong will, especially everybody in Surabaya. You can visit Surabaya Franchise Expo 2008, August 1st - 3rd, starts from 10 am - 8 pm, at Gramedia Expo, basuki Rahmat Street no 93 Surabaya, East Java of Indonesia. The ticket is only Rp 25.000 per person. There'll be a Franchise seminar "How To Franchise Your Business", Sunday, August the 3rd, at 10 pm. Prepare Rp 500.000 for this seminar. Tikect Box : 031-71687886, 0818575790, or send an email to Here is the list of Franchise in this exhibiton :
  1. Auto Bridal Indonesia [Car Salon]
  2. Raja Motor [Automotive Spare parts]
  3. Aqualis Laundry
  4. Melia Laundry
  5. Action Coach [Business Coaching]
  6. TX Travel
  7. Iwata Travel
  8. CITOZ [Travel Business Opportunity]
  9. My SALON
  10. Ester Clinique [Beauty Franchise]
  11. ECO Print [Photo box]
  12. BIRU [Drinking Water]
  13. LP3I [Education]
  14. AIUEO [Education]
  15. I-tutor NET [Education]
  16. British International [Education]
  17. Bight & Smart [Education]
  18. Tadika Puri [Education]
  19. The Bridge [Consulting]
  20. The rest is :Gold Shape, BNL Patent, Land Wealth Management
Meanwhile Food franchise are:
Kebab Turki, Roti Maryam, Kebab King, IKKI Bento, Doremi Pizza, Jumbo Chicken, Tella Krezz, Buburqu, Bakso Kuto, Es Walikota, Gudeg Ceker, Burst Tea, Royal Crepes, On Crepes Organic, Jolly Time Popcorn, and so on.
If you have time, just take a good look, grab the change, and start beingan entrepreneur right here, right now. Success for all...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Let's get the party started

Everybody's waitin' for me to arrive '
Sendin' out the messages to all of my friends
We'll lookin' for flashy on my mercedez benz
I got lot a style, got my gold diamond rings
I can go miles if you know
I'm Comin' up, so you better get the party started

That's what the bos of Lapindo brantas, Indra Bakrie, tried to sing some lyrics of Pink's Get the party started, last night, when he held the wedding party for his doughter, Adinda Bakrie, married to a Businessman from Singapore, called Seng Hoo Ong. The party cost billions rupiahs for sure, and was nominated as the gorgeous party ever in Indonesia, held in Mulia Hotel Jakarta. Everything so luxurious, start from EO, party concept, till the guess invited. Exactly, great people were coming to town, including President, Vice president, officers from many institutions and celebrities, with maximum security. Doesn’t matter at all, since Bakrie family never lack of anything, though involved in great case like mud disaster of Lapindo Brantas. Adinda’s uncle Aburizal Bakrie was nominated as the richest man in South East Asia, version Forbes Magazine on May 2008, with the wealth about 50 trillion rupiah. It’s impossible that the wedding party of richest man in South east Asia’s Niece just like usual party. How embarrassing. We’re talking about pride, Buddy, not humanity. Who cares with the mud victim outside there, fighting against future’s uncertainty. It’s simply a destiny? Ah, wish Adinda Bakrie want to marry at KUA stands for Kantor Urusan Agama, Chamber of Marriage in Indonesia, then it cost not more than a million rupiah. This wedding news must be hurt the mud victim in Sidoarjo, indeed. Just like scratched by nails of tiger or lion or eagle. [Oops] Moreover, for those who not included in impacted area maping. Wondering why, How dare…Where it lost the real carracter of Indonesia people, who used to be so helpful, kind-hearted, now turn to sio individualistic and materiallistic. It’s just simply look like biggest play, silly plot and uncertain ending. What a two-tumbs-up director, both the director and the viewer are drown in perfect amusement. Hehe well-done, Bakrie….

What a wonderful world ...

Who wants to live next door with Indonesian celebrities? Just prepare half billion rupiah. That’s all, it’s so simple don’t ya? Here it is, a living concept on luxurious apartement, offered by Starcity, A star way of life. I admitted it as brilliant marketing strategy. The developer ready to give a discount up to 50% event free for celebrities who want to stay at every floor of the apartment, located at Gajah Mada Street 188 Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. What a strategic place to live, full facilities, town view, nearest shopping place like Glodok and Mangga Dua. Let me tell you, who is the celebrity, who already enjoy the apartement, Nirina Zubir, Olga Lydia, Anya Dwinov, Luna Maya, Titi Kamal, Tora Sudiro, Aming, Bunga Citra Lestari, Didi Petet, Catherine Wilson and many more. This strategy aimed to attract the investor, so that they want live next door with celebrities who already stay there. Otomatically, the celebrities become the endorser of the apartment. Every testimonies of the celebrities included in every promo event or gathering, so that it wont be difficult for the developer to grab the investors. On the other hands, the investors also enjoy the advantages offered by the developer. Beside they live next door with celebrities, they get the chance to invest their money on valuable apartment. It can be rent if the owner don’t wanna stay there. Of course, it’s simply like money – farming. Hehehe. The investor just need to prepare the down payment about ten million rupiah, then pay for 8 millions every month without any interest, for 60 times. What a perfect investment, meanwhile other instrument of investment is down in such an uncertain condition. Let’s say, forex investment or in stock market [the market condition is very volatile, causing heart attack – for sure, or bank deposit. The interest rate is not more than 6 – 9% per year. But if invest on property, it may result hundreds percent only in a year, the price continuous rise. Isn’t that interesting? Of course it’s not in the disaster area, for example like nearby mud disaster at Sidoarjo East Java of Indonesia, or earth-quake risk area at Jogjakarta. Wondering while take a good look on the Starcity Apartment. Hmmm what a wonderful world...among the density of high building at Jakarta…Wanna try?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Democrazy cost more and more

East Java [Indonesia] had just held a big party, The Gubernatorial Election 2008", exactly on Wednesday, 23rd, followed by five pairs candidate, Khofifah Indar Parawansa - Mudjiono , Sutjipto - Ridwan Hisjam, Soenaryo - Ali Maschan Musa, Achmady - Suhartono, and Soekarwo - Syaifulloh Yusuf. More than 29 millions people voted. Unfortunately, 39% of them din’t, so called Abstention. Why? Because of some reasonable reasons such as, not included into the voting list, outside area, until have no intention to vote, since they pesimistic that the candidates won’t bring East Java into the better future. However, the election went smoothly, with minor election violations. Based on the result of Quick Count from Lembaga Survey Indonesia, the first place was pair of Soekarwo - Syaifulloh Yusuf (26,99%), followed by Khofifah - Mudjiono (25,37%), then Sutjipto - Ridwan Hisjam (20,94), pair of Soenarjo - Ali MAschan Musa (18,87%) dan the last was pair of Achmady - Suhartono (7,84%). Too bad, five pairs candidate couldn’t reach more than 30% vote. Under the law No 32 2004 , the second round should be held 60 days after the vote, followed by pairs in first and second place. Meanwhile the manual result will be informed around August the third. Practically. The first spent Rp. 600 billions rupiah of Election budjet. And now, The Election Commission should prepare budjet for the second round election, about 225 billions rupiah. Just imagine. In the uncertain of today’s condition, many billions rupiah spent only for the gubernatorial election. The democracy of this country needs a great sacrifation. How Useless, since many people seems don’t care about who’s the next leader of East Java. Let’s check the people participation in gubernatorial election. It’s only 60%, while 40% was abstain. In fact, the leader of East Java should be Abstention, hehe. Democracy or I should just called it as democrazy in this country, is not more than just candidate promises, banner, thousands brosurs everywhere, include not in an appropriate place , silly campaign with long march in the main street causing traffic jam. It needed a huge budget.

How ironic. People fight against the hardest economic situation and condition, while billions rupiah spent for something useless. This country seems like learn nothing, but democrazy