Still fresh in our mind, on December 2006, when The Golkar Party lawmaker - Yahya Zaini, resigned, after being caught in a steamy sex video with dangdut singer “Maria Eva”. The same scandal also happen to House Of Representatives Member from The Indonesian Democratic Party Of Struggle, Max Moein, who’s charged in Sexual Harrasment against his private secretary, Desy Firdiyanti”. Is there any other love affair? Could be, since nowadays, member of house representative morally doubted.
The latest news was about The confession of Lawmaker Agus Condro Prayitno [from The Indonesian Democratic Party Of Struggle] that he and fellow party lawmakers received Rp 500 million [US$53,676] each, two weeks after Miranda Swaray Goeltom won election from the House of Representatives' Commission IX for financial affairs on June 2004. This confession added the list of scandals in house of representative. Whereas, BI graft Scandal involved House Of Representative Member on 2003 [about Rp 31,5 millions] is still investigated by The Commission Corruption Eradication [KPK]. It’s not finish yet. At the same time, KPK has to investigate another scandal involved another member, Al Amin Nasution, Bulyan Royan and Yusuf Emir Faizal. The worse one was the House's Commission IV, Al Amin Nasution. He faced multicharges from blackmail to bribery. Bribes for the conversion of conservation forests on Bintan Island in Riau [Rp 250 million and USD 300.000], and at Tanjung Pantai Air Telang in the South Sumatra regency of Banyuasin [Rp 2,5 billion]. In addition to demanding money from companies that joined tenders for the Forestry Ministry's procurement of the Global Positioning System (GPS) Geodetic, GPS handhelds and Total Statio [Rp 1,2 Billion and Rp 286 Million], included love affair too.
Morally, What’s wrong with House of Representative members? Probably they were absent on Pancasila Moral Subject at school :D
One scandal to another, has put the image of Citizen Representative much worse. Can we imagine, Who’s going to choose that kind of politician on the next Election? No wonder, in every election, abstain dominates.
However, There’s always an optimism over a worse condition. So many scandal occurs, it’s time to look ahead which one of the legislative institutions is better.
Teten Masduki dari Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said, The Election on 2009, could be the perfect time to fix House Of Represntative. How? Don’t choose Stink Politician, corrupt, greedy, wasteful, doer of human right infraction, involved in drug abuse, never protect the right of people live in poverty. However, if most of The House Of Representative member are great mentally, morally as well as physically, it’s believed that the institution revision is going much easier.
To support this invocation, many people action unite in the movement of anti – stink politician or Gerakan Nasional Tidak Pilih Politisi Busuk (Ganti Polbus) compose some criterias of improper politician.
The critic mostly done by looking at the track records of each legislative candidate who join the Election on 2009. It’s not only the behaviour, but also attitude. For example, the corruption eradication. It’s clear which one of them who support legislation draf of Corruption Act. If one one them don’t support it, then the name will be recorded and announced to public, especially in each election area. Hope, this way could push the Party to carefully select they legislative candidate.
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